Friday, April 26, 2013

Objects in HTML5 canvas (part 3: interacting with images)

This article is the third of a series of simple recipes that explains how to interact with objects in HTML5 canvas.
  • part 1 (Drawing shapes)
  • part 2 (Interacing with objects)
In this part we will solve the last problem: how to interact with objects with irregular shapes.

The simple answer is that you don't have to. You can wrap any image inside a rectangular box and detect where the image is transparent.

Introducing offscreen canvas

An offscreen canvas is a canvas outside the DOM. It's very useful for 2 reasons:
  • you can do complex drawing once and reuse the result with just an instruction
  • you can use it to check where an image is transparent

Let's draw

First of all I start with an images array (I used inline images, but you can use images urls):

var objs = [

Then I draw each image inside an offscreen canvas and, then the offscreen canvas in the main canvas:

var i, obj;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (i = 0;i < objs.length;i++){
    obj = objs[i];
    (function (obj){
        var img = new Image();   // Creating a new img element
        img.onload = function(){
            // It's very important to wait until the image loads!!!
            // otherwise I have no clue of the real size of the image 

            ctx.translate(obj.x, obj.y);
            obj.width = img.width;
            obj.height = img.height;
            //I attach the offscreen canvas to the object
            obj.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            obj.canvas.width = img.width;
            obj.canvas.height = img.height;
            obj.ctx = obj.canvas.getContext('2d');
            // I draw the image on a off-screen canvas
            obj.ctx.drawImage(img, 0 , 0);
            // I draw the off-screen canvas on the main canvas
            ctx.drawImage(obj.canvas, -img.width/2 , -img.height/2);
        img.src = obj.src; // Set source path

Pay attention! I have applied transformations on the main canvas and not on each  off-screen canvases.

Detecting mouse clicks

Let's finish detecting on which shape a user is pointing. As usual I check each object in reverse order and transform pointer coordinates. Then I must retrieve the image from the offscreen canvas and test the color on the resulting coordinates. If the alpha value is opaque the pointer is on the image.

    // I get a single pixel
    imageData = obj.ctx.getImageData(p.x+(obj.width/2), p.y+(obj.height/2), 1, 1);
    // imageData contains r,g,b,a
    if([3] > 50){ // 50 is the threeshold
        log.innerHTML = 'clicked on ' +;

I have taken a pixel from the canvas using getImageData. This function returns  an array that include 4 values for each pixel (just one in my case).
The values are Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (transparency) and they have values between 0 and 255.
I set a threeshold of 50 on alpha.
This is the whole code:

canvas.addEventListener('click', function (evt){
    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
        posx = evt.clientX - rect.left,
        posy = evt.clientY -,
        i = objs.length,
        for (; i > 0; i--){
            obj = objs[i-1];
            // translate coordinates
            p = new Point(posx, posy);
            p.translate(-obj.x, -obj.y);

            imageData = obj.ctx.getImageData(p.x+(obj.width/2), p.y+(obj.height/2), 1, 1);

            if([3] > 50){
                log.innerHTML = 'clicked on ' +;
        log.innerHTML = '';

}, false);

And this is the results:
  Your browser doesn't support canvas!

I hope this is helpful!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Objects in HTML5 canvas (part 2: interacting with objects)

In the previous part I have shown how to draw simple shapes to the canvas.

If you need to interact with a specific object in the canvas you have to face a problem.

Using DOM you can click on a node and the browser manages the whole interaction (triggers the event, puts the DOM node in, etc.).

But, as explained before, once you have drawn an object to a canvas it become a part of the canvas. So the question is: how to detect when a user click on a specific shape?

Getting canvas related coordinates

The first obstacle to get through is getting where a user clicked on the canvas. When a user clicks you can get the mouse coordinates relative to the page and you must subtract the canvas position:

canvas.addEventListener('click', function (evt){
    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
        posx = evt.clientX - rect.left,
        posy = evt.clientY -;

It's not too complicate, isn't it?

Checking in reverse order

In the first part of this tutorial I put the objects to draw in an array.

var objs = [
     width: 40,
     height: 50
     width: 30,
     height: 40

Then each shape is drawn in order over the previous.
For this reason I have to check shapes in reverse order, from the object in foreground to the one in background.

        for (i = objs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
            obj = objs[i];

Pointer transformations

Now I have pointer coordinates and shape transformations:

     x:40, // translation x
     y:30, // translation y
     angle:Math.PI/4, // rotation
     width: 30,
     height: 40

How to detect if pointer coordinates are inside this shape?

My solution is a bit imaginative but it seems to work well.
I apply transformations to pointer coordinates. These are the opposite that I have applied to the object before drawing it to the canvas. Then I check if the new pointer coordinates are inside the object shape pretending that the shape has drawn around 0, 0.

// pointer transformation
p = new Point(posx, posy);
p.translate(-obj.x, -obj.y);

if (p.x > -(obj.width / 2) && p.x < obj.width / 2 && p.y > - (obj.height / 2) && p.y < obj.height / 2){
    log.innerHTML = 'clicked on ' +;

I wrote this simple object to help with transformations (see part 1 for an explanation on transformations):

var Point = function (x, y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

Point.prototype.rotate = function (angle){
    var x, y;
    x = this.x*Math.cos(angle) - this.y * Math.sin(angle);
    y = this.x*Math.sin(angle) + this.y * Math.cos(angle);
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    return this;

Point.prototype.translate = function (x, y){
    this.x = this.x + x;
    this.y = this.y + y;
    return this;

This is the whole code:

canvas.addEventListener('click', function (evt){
    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
        posx = evt.clientX - rect.left,
        posy = evt.clientY -,
        i, obj,p;
        // I get the position of the pointer
        // relative to the canvas
        for (i = objs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ // cycling in inverse order
            obj = objs[i];
            // pointer transformation
            p = new Point(posx, posy);
            p.translate(-obj.x, -obj.y);

            if (p.x > -(obj.width / 2) && p.x < obj.width / 2 && p.y > - (obj.height / 2) && p.y < obj.height / 2){
                log.innerHTML = 'clicked on ' +;
        log.innerHTML = '';

}, false);

This is the result (try to click on a shape):
Your browser doesn't support canvas!
In the next part I'll add a more fine control on images using off-screen canvases. Stay tuned!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Objects in HTML5 canvas (part 1: drawing shapes)

Canvas is an HTML5 element which can be used to draw graphics in the browser. Its API is very low level and it has no notion of shapes or paths after they are drawn.
It contains just a bidimensional matrix of points.

This little guide introduces you to use effectively this API to write shapes and control them with the mouse.

In this simple example we are going to draw some rectangular shapes.

Save the shapes to draw

The first thing to do is to save the shapes inside an array:

var objs = [
     width: 40,
     height: 50
     width: 30,
     height: 40
Objects inside the array will be drawn one after the another with the first object in the background and the last object in foreground.

var i, obj;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //empty the canvas
for (i = 0;i < objs.length;i++){
    obj = objs[i];; // save context

    ctx.translate(obj.x, obj.y); // apply transformations (I'll explain later)


    ctx.fillStyle = obj.color; // draw
            -(obj.width / 2),
            -(obj.height / 2),
    ctx.restore(); // restore the context saved

The canvas coordinates start with 0,0 on the upper left corner. but you usually don't need to calculate the position of each shape. The canvas API gives the power to move the axis instead, and then draw the shapes around the point 0,0.

Introducing transformations

Transformations moves X and Y axis in the space. In the bidimensional world there are 3 main type of transformations:

  • translation
  • skew
  • scale

They are usually represented with a matrix

x   a1,b1,c1
y   a2,b2,c2
1    0,0,1

that express these three equations

x' = a1x + b1y + c1
y' = a2x + b2y + c2
1 = 0x + 0y + 1

These equations transform the original (x, y) coordinates in a new pair of coordinates (x', y').
In bidimensional transformations the last equation is an identity (It is alway true).
If you pay enough attention you will notice that you can define a matrix that doesn't change the original coordinates. This is called the identity matrix:

x   1,0,0
y   0,1,0
1   0,0,1

x' = 1x + 0y + 0 = x
y' = 0x + 1y + 0 = y
1 = 0x + 0y + 1

Now starting with the identity matrix I'll try to explain transformations (I am not a mathematician so forgive me if the explanation is not formally correct or inaccurate).

t1 and t2 are translations (in the x and y axis respectively). They move the axis left/right and up/down.
A translation of 0 means no translation.
In fact:

x   1,0,t1
y   0,1,t2
1   0,0,1

x' = 1x + 0y + t1 = x + t1
y' = 0x + 1y + t2 = y + t2
1 = 0x + 0y + 1

s1 and s2 means scale. s1 scales the x axis while s2 scales the y axis. A multiplication of 1 means no scale.

x   s1,0,0
y   0,s2,0
1   0,0,1

x' = s1x + 0y + 0 = s1*x
y' = 0x + s2y + 0 = s2*y
1 = 0x + 0y + 1

sk2 and sk1 skew respectively the x and y axis

x   1,sk1,0
y   sk2,1,0
1   0,0,1

x' = 1x + sk1y + 0 = x + sk1*y
y' = sk2x + 1y + 0 = y + sk2*x
1 = 0x + 0y + 1

Now the question is: and the rotation ?

The rotation is a combination of two transformations: skew and scale.
The formula is

x   cos(angle),-sin(angle),0
y   sin(angle),cos(angle),0
1   0,0,1

x = x * cos(angle) + y * -sin(angle)
y = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)

The order in which you apply the tranformation is very important:
In fact if we first rotate and then translate we are translating the axis using the new rotated axis.

As a rule of thumb, we usually need to:
  • translate
  • rotate
  • scale

Back to canvas

Canvas has a complete API for transformations. 
You can get more information on MDN.
In the previous example we applied translate and rotate tranformations.

These functions change the state of our drawing context. And affects all drawing operations so, in order to apply different transformations on each shape, we need to reset the drawing context every time.
Otherwise the next transformation would be applied over the previous.

Your browser doesn't support canvas!
Next part I'll show how to interact with objects.